Friday, June 15, 2007

HEROES Chapter 2

An eclipse is a very short phenomena. But, within the short dark phase of an eclipse, in LoreMe's world in Mon-Ash, multiple events occured. A very short instance which flanked these few days of LoreMe's life as a new hero.

Last Wednesday, seemed like ages ago now. But the memories of the enemies remain crystal clear. Another gatekeeper to struggle through, as these Students approach the ideal educated to them - to be a Graduate. An ideal instilled by external forces, but quietly doubted by Students. After all, you never know what lies beyond ideals. Or whether the ideals themselves are so much that is expected of. But, as heroes, the Students have no choice. LoreMe started that mind boggling day with an attempt to conceal her secret weapon - Flabbee. Regardless of how geng this weapon is, making it too visible is never safe to herself. Erm, also to others. To her mum even?

This gatekeeper was no easy one as it is built on the most abstract thing in the world. Anxiously, LoreMe and her fellow Students checked for their battle allocation. She was allocated to the larger group of combatants. BabiNing and SuSuSu walked with LoreMe to Region 2.2 this time, a new location. SuSuSu is another ally of LoreMe. Her abilities? Hugeness. Huge eyes, huge supper, 'huge' hair, huge laugh, huge file, huge brain capacity. Enemies are often wiped out entirely just by her humongous presence. From afar, two faint voices alerted these three, as the dimness of the pathway nearly led them away from the battlefield. Afterall, BabiNing was never trained in even crossing traffic and SuSuSu's huge brain probably blocked LoreMe's view.

This Eeck-xam was tough. What gatekeeper was it? The Gatekeeper of Blurness of all Blurness in the name of Blur-O-Ma. The overwhelming emotion inside of LoreMe could hardly be contained as she discover her lameness being challenged by blurness. Equally powerful and attractive abilities to own for sure. The enemies of this Eec-xam were....all over the place. Intertwined in blurness and elements inducing memory loss in Students. These enemies are unknown to commoners and remains a secret safeguarded by heroes like these Students. Among us, millions of ALIENS thrive. In fact they preceded all man kinds, known this Earth for as long as my mum nags, remaining invisible to find the appropriate time prey on innocent humans. Dangerous and sneaky. LoreMe battled hard with 17 clusters of these enemies. Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella. She panted as she controlled the trembling hand of hers, her Strength was dropping. Then, she caught sight BabiNing, requesting for extra backup an indication of her advancing rapidly through the enemies. The fire in LoreMe burnt and - Limit Break! Saccharomyces, Vibrio, Clostridium. The execution of techniques were ugly as the desire to surive can turn a person into a demon. Cursive Writing became more like Scripture Writing, a technique banned from Eeck-xams due to its high level of lethality among fellow Students. But, LoreMe's plan was to attach a photo of herself in the end of the Eeck-xam. Cos LoreMe is lame. But let us not forget her other abilities as she forgot the fact that NICE pictures of hers are rare.

The next day, as preparation towards the most devilish Gatekeeper for this semester, LoreMe meditated in front of 234958 sheets of Eeck-xam manual for more than 18 hours. The meditation involed: 10% resisting Sleep, 30% replenishing Stamine (eating), 40% full blast Absorption from manual (Peter Petrelli style), 20% practicing Lameness, her ultimate ability. After that, the next morning saw LoreMe griefing partly over the disappearance of Flabbee, for the first time in 5.7 years. Tears of joy almost broke, but it was still too early, sobbed LoreMe.

Gatekeeper of Extra Notes, Journals and Toothless. There was fear and dark circles in all candidates' eyes. LoreMe had never been so decisive in an Eeck-xams before. In about 5 minutes time, it was crystal CLEAR which enemy she should attempt at and which she should definitely steer clear of. With her Pen of Blue ready, she advanced through : kruppel, Toll, Spatzel, rhomboid. What are these you asked? Vicious enemies called Genes sent by their leaders like Drosophila, C. Elegans, Arabidopsis, under the direction of Wolpert. Imagine Genes as triad members led by Triad bosses like Drosophila which poured out from a pandora box called Wolpert. This was not the only hurdle. Time was again playing tricks to the minds of all heroes in the battlefield. Its hands were definitely moving faster than supposed to. LoreMe was sure, but there was no need of a commotion. With this, ended the 5 days continuous battle in Eeck-xams.

Today, LoreMe wanted a break from all the heroic acts. To be normal just for once. She concealed all her greatness in lameness and went to the Pyramid. The huge lion head greeted her with all the most meaningful banners reading: Sales, 50%, Offer. Moments like that really warms LoreMe up. The peaceful atmosphere inside the Pyramid eased LoreMe's soul. But this tranquility was soon shaken up. Steps in front of LoreMe was a small opening promising change and unpredictability. A small dark dimension among all the brightly lit areas. LoreMe is a hero so she shall investigate, was what she thought to herself as her lameness began to resurface.

As soon as she entered, it was a rollercoaster ride of curiosity, dilemma, indecisiveness, anticipation, excitement and finally, to the hands of the scissor-wielding species called Hairdressers. Just like how Venom got Spiderman, LoreMe changed colour into a bright brownish-red. Shocked at first, but curious to play with its capability, LoreMe roamed the Pyramid with this new image of hers, while waiting for any changes it might bring. Nothing. But if Spiderman became influenced by his negative side by Venom and he is a hero, LoreMe shoud be experiencing something as well as she is a hero. She waited. Then it happened. The eyebrows.

When LoreMe caught sight of a mirror, she saw it. On her face, huge thick black caterpillar eyebrows. The change was really a negative one, as the bright colour enhanced the caterpillar-ness of her eyebrows. Panicked, but determined, LoreMe tried hard to shake the thought off. But, no matter where she went, whichever self reflection she saw, whatever mirror there is, there the eyebrows were. Staring back at LoreMe, haunting her, consuming her. In the end, this hero returned to that dimension and stripped off this new identity of hers. At this point she realized she was really a hero. As everyone knows, Spiderman gave up his negative side as well.

It is amazing how things are happening to a point that LoreMe is finding it hard to deny herself as a hero. And looking at herself in the mirror, she saw lameness. Lameness is LoreMe. LoreMe is lameness. As one heroic entity, they shall save the world.

Monday, June 11, 2007

HEROES Chapter 1

It was a morning of anticipation although it seemed like any other morning. Despite all that, the premonitions were all there. The surprisingly quiet air cond unit, the foggy window. And of all this, for her eyes to wake before the dreaded alarm went off.

This morning was anything but ordinary. Because this is the fateful day where a group of chosen special people will realize that they are not ordinary. Destiny and fate shall show them what they are chosen to do.

LoreMe (lame but read it in terms of Do Re Mi), woke up, knowing this day would come. But not realizing how fast it actually was. It has been 3 months or more, ever since she realize her new mission. Staring at herself in the mirror, she sighed as she put on her warpaint. To prepare for her battle with the unknown. Warpaint applied, eyes brightened up, combat suit on. Her heart was still unsure of what is to come.

The journey to the Stresphul City was a dangerous one like usual. With the battle shoes of 2 inches high, it was never easy to dodge the attacks of the Gardeners with their HTwoO blazing. Today, having known her role in this whole plan, she had to be extra careful. You never know what others will do to her, if they knew what she could do.

Within Mon-Ash, a UniverCity, all the usual destined Students are there. Surviving under and secretly trying to overhaul respective Organizations within this city. The Organizations which are yet to reveal their true identity. Each Student here, just have to go through gruel training and embark on a road of discovery, as they prepare to face the gatekeepers of these Organizations. One by one, these gatekeepers are to be taken down, before the whole Organization can be demolished.

This is a motivational thought. Succesful demolition of an Organization had seen that group of successful Students transforming into very cool looking black robed and hugely grinned individuals, although, there is the weird-looking Square-headpiece which function is unknown, but every Student aims for this transformation. These individuals called Graduates.

After two years of taking down first level and second level gatekeepers, LoreMe was proceeding towards the first third level gatekeeper. LoreMe is no ordinary person since she is a Stewdun. Capable of absorbing lameness from all entities (I just can't resist this 'absorbing' from everyone thing....Petrelli ho!), rapid countering of everything with exaggerated actions and induction of cold jokes in all situations, made her eligible for this mission. She shall laugh at danger and scare it away with lameness. From the start, LoreMe had always known that this is her destiny.

Serious meditation and preparation took place prior to the big battle in the LieBrary, where the quietness was excellent to induce Sleep. This process enabled the regain of Health Points (HP) by these Sudents. The cold atmosphere generated was a big help. LoreMe met her fellow Stewdun here. KaraKaraBee. This is not a strange name, I assure you. I assured you.

KaraKaraBee is capable of providing tranquility, stress, motivation, surprise and so on with her..........quiet, nature. Her silence drive others to think of what she is thinking while the others are not really thinking and there is nothing to think about. In simple words, she is a multiple emotion inducer by being quiet. So extraordinary. Today she induced Sleep in LoreMe. After gaining all the HP needed, LoreMe received a call on her Z610i from BabiNing. Babi is the short form for BarBie, actually. Time to restock on Magic Points (MP) and Strength. You never wanna lose because of this in the battle. Too embarassing.

Usual stuff for this stock up. And as usual, the stock up was pretty heavy and pretty obvious as the baggage consisting it protruded from LoreMe's battlesuit, into this gentle and soft and round thing they term as Tummy. LoreMe's everything is extraordinary, so there is a name for it. Flabbee. Cute and meaningful, agreed?

The opening to the battlefield was cold and empty when LoreMe and BabiNing reached. However, commotion started as soon as the other Students allocated for this final mission arrived. Yes, for the first time, everyone gathered to turn over this gatekeeper. LoreMe was allocated the terminal called Desk C13. Not a good number.

As they entered the battlefield, Region C3.13 of Mon-Ash, there were grins, gloominess, fear and anticipation everywhere. Different abilities of different Stewduns are indicated here. LoreMe was just, well, felt nothing. Just as all Students positioned themselves for the ultimate battle, the very yeng-named fiends called InvigilatorS started allocating the fearful opponents to each of the Students! This is never a time where preparation can help. No matter how prepared one is, the sight of it just spells terror. Our opponents, directly under the order of the gatekeeper..... Eeeck-xam.

Sole weapons being Pens of Blue Ink, mostly or some selected few using Pens of Black Ink, are sometimes just not enough. For there is another opponent. The hideous flat round being at the end of this space. Its twiggy hands moving in pulses, creating nerve-wrecking echoes of 'tick-tock', 'tick-tock', messing with Stewdun minds. It posses such great power over its ultimate weapon called Time. This time it chosed the technique of 3HourS. Like a Snitch to Harry Potter, this monster called Time is greater as it is chased like hell by everyone. Looking at it, LoreMe could see its Evil Grin hiding behind its kolot design.

The Pens of Blue and Black warriors continued to attack these Eeeck-xams. A stroke here, a stab there, a full stop here, a comma there, Cursive Writing, Erase-Away----!! It was an ugly sight of suffering and determination to survive. But in the end, Time showed its uglier face. And the InvigilatorS made appeared, I mean suddenly as well. The Eeeck-xams were retrieved. All Students tried their best to demolish these demons. But, what can the gatekeeper do? With their Pen of Reds, they can do a lot. All those attacks from Students towards those Eeeck-xams could easily be cancelled out by these Gatekeepers. And, no one knows until the end of this mission, where the mother of all disguise called Results come out. Why a master a disguise? You never know what it holds and it seems always, innocent enough.

This Gatekeeper mission was done for today. BTH3757, commonly refered to as a Unit or Subject by Students, is the mission allocated by the Gatekeeper of today. As LoreMe proceeded out of the battlefield, slightly beaten up, she never expected to be beaten up more badly. Seems like, 10% HP of the Eeeck-xam allocated to her was missed due to low levels of Agility and Accuracy in her. No doubt, as she was too busy cooking up lame terms for the simple term known as a Clock when in the Battlefield. Did I mention that she thought for a long time of what to call the Invigilators before ending up calling them InvigilatorS anyway? But all's well ends well as LoreMe discovers another ability of hers. To take the falling sky as a blue blanket.

All Students then proceeded to return to their ordinary world, and mask their true identities as the secret fighters for survival in UniverCity, and in this story's case, it is the deadly UniverCity of Mon-Ash.

This is a story of ordinary beings waking up to an extraordinary calling.
These are Students.
They are HEROES.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

My first poem. Damn proud.

One blink, 8 a.m.,
Second blink, 9 a.m.,
Third blink, saying damn,
Fourth blink, sleeping pose still same.

Saturday morning Genetics class,
Toothless gene and hungry ghost me,
Drosophila, Arabidopsis, Xenopus,
Pretzel, fishball, maggi mee.
Which one was me?
Which one was toothless?
Is it just me?
Did you say who cares!

Papers papers and more papers,
Lectures, tutorials and past years la,
Told my lovely mother this,
'Dun care hate it' said ah ma,
On and on lovely mama nags,
So I wanna call her Fei Ma,
Only here I call her this,
Or else kena more mamama.

Raining now,
Study mood gone,
Eating now,
Diet mood gone.

Choi choi choi,
Apalah saya,
Cannot be like ham choi!
Must be Livita!
Ask me why I'm down,
Why I'm stressed,
I'll answer, 'Stupid clown',
Your face will be messed.

Textbooks very important meh?
Thick and heavy only lah.
Yellowpages not thick and heavy meh?
If Berani then go read lah.

Wish wish wish,
Wish what la?
Wish wish wish,
Want to be model la.
Why you laughing like that?
I think I sure can one la,
Me very pretty no fat,
You must be thinking, 'Of cos 'dim' la!'

When I am famous and rich rite,
Melbourne, KL Sandakan, I buy and sambung,
I know this is genius of me rite,
What you mean me orang kampung?

This smart poem I know,
Is very very lame,
But all you readers I know,
Are you not the same?

Study, tak che, duk shu,
Must on techno music then,
Duk shu Duk shu Duk shu Duk shu,
Oh la la my lame joke no. 10~
Everyone must rajin duk shu,
Dun be youtube guy 'Ten ten ten ten',
If only I can really duk shu,
Also won't be here 'ten ten ten ten'.

So this poem's moral is,
There must be one I am sure!
No matter what an exam is,
Papers saja la that's for sure.

No fear la, y'all!