Exactly. Do you wanna be doing this?
Or would you rather . . .
. . be eating Trampoline and grinning full-heartedly unbeknownst of the terror awaiting you in a week's time?
Okay, both sounds equally bad but, at least Trampoline was in the last picture!
Winter has gotten harsher now. In fact, there was a hailstorm when I was walking back from the bus loop on Monday night. Luckily I have my very own RACV on standby 24/7. Why I get such a privilege? Leng lui lo. . . *Wink of convince*.
So, I made a few new friends who I cannot live without lately. Not WenJi of course, she is just someone who sleeps in my room every night. We are not close at all. Not close at all. :-)
My current best friends are: High socks, heaters, large coats, gloves, boiling-hot water, sunshine and boots! In fact, I jus realized that they are always in pictures with me. See. . .
Speaking of my Mum, the High Empress will be coming on the 11th of August together with two other Empresses (Grandma and Auntie) and a Fat Emperor (my Bro!). I am so gonna be a Slave then. Slave to all these royalties and also to my beloved course which will be giving me the excitement of an exam, 3 assignments and the ongoing project all in 2 weeks. Joy. Pure joy. But frankly, I can't wait to see them! Having not seen me for half a year, my stock price must have increased a lot, as compared to those of puny Lowena and Ivy's, ah ha ha ha ha~ Can't wait!
BBQ in winter. Drooling in winter :-)
Next week I will be presenting about my dream career and how I plan to attain it. A really interesting one, as until now, I am not so sure of what I really want. Not a very clear picture of the future, but at least now it is some vague something I can shape and dare to dream about. To have a starting point is comforting. To have the little confidence to be able to achieve or do something about it, is all the while, the most important thing I gained so far.
Just started preparing for the presentation and after compiling the list of careers I have considered throughout my life, . . . it kinda scared me, just by looking at that list. That very LONG list of everything under the sun.
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