Through - thick and thin, fall-outs and making-up, bitchiness and harmony, sulking and celebrating, primary school to workmate, stuck-to-the-hips and miles apart - I must say that girlfriends are always there when you need them.
Although, the thought of a group of girls together always conjure an image of - excessiveness in: shopping (wasting money), gossiping (wasting time), sulking/pondering of each others' problems (wasting energy), pampering ownselves (wasting resources), etc (wasting something for sure) - to the general population (mere males), well - I am not gonna disagree with this stereotypical view but point is - so what? >:-)
It is just the way we bond in Venus, mere Martians.
I am not saying that guys do not know how to bond among themselves with all their football, beer, muscle building, dirty jokes, computer or video games, anime, . . . oops, why is it suddenly somewhat related to me?! My point is: We just have different ways of connecting and celebrating our lives and as long as one doesn't interfere with the other - peace!
Guys should always allow some space for their girlfriends to be with their 'girlfriends'.
Girls should always remember to appreciate their 'girlfriends' even when passion is riding high in their relationships.
Girls should always remember to appreciate their 'girlfriends' even when passion is riding high in their relationships.
As you grow older (when you ponder over whether it is age-appropriate for you to wear minis with cherry-patterns T.T), as you come across more heartbreaks/failures/confusions in life, you do come to realize how important girlfriends are as a support system. And you will learn to appreciate them as those who are here to stay in your life.
But like everything in this world, your girlfriends change as time goes by. Some you lose contact for months. Some suddenly announcing their marriage plans. Some in a profession you never even knew existed.
The common thing: The ability to click right on - despite the time apart.
I must say that girlfriends are strange things. Some you get close to only after not seeing each other for ages, while the days spent together were spent not talking to each other. Some you get attach yourself to right from the start. Some disappear and resurface from time to time with their "hello....?".
I met up with Glyniss yesterday for shopping at Chaddy and seriously, I have not had that much fun shopping in a looooonngg time :-) Actually me and her go way back. . . . to Primary 4. When she was known as 'Mm-Sek-Yu' (a.k.a Doesn't Eat Fist) and I was still the brassy pre-hermit-high-school period Me :-) But we kinda drifted apart during high school cause (damn it!) she was with the popular gang and I was in the hermit ga. . . wait, being a lone hermit isn't really considered being in a gang rite!? *ish*
But after coming over to Aussie and 'aging' (hoho), we both agreed that we do realize the importance of keeping friends and staying in touch.
In fact during primary school, I had a legion (haha, legion) of 5 bestest girlfriends (Glyniss not included! >:-D). Surely there were ups and downs and ultimately, I am just barely in touch with 4 of them and kinda lost touch with one of them.
There is Iris who I am still in touch with:-). There is Sharon whom I met again after high school at the driving school and we talked about being grilled both by the weather and the driving instructors and hence her addition to my MSN list! She is in Tassie rite now and believe me, a meeting is in plans (at least on my side kekeke!). Not forgetting us relenting on the horror of being 'stalked' :-D
There is Ling whom I always thought was damn cool for having a celeb name and Jing Lu the Sailorvenus. Both faraway - one in UK and one in KK. I am like in the middle? Forgive my Form 3 level geography. Both barely in touch :-( There is the one I used to call PJY, whom I would really very much like to meet again. Despite several chance meetings, I must say I did not utilize those 'chances' right. Being stuck here now makes me kinda regretful.
Then come high school - Chia, Tau, Ting, ShukYe, Miau. (Still no Glyniss >:-D) All in Facebook, barely in touch with 2, keeping in touch with 3. Not bad eh?
HighSchool-GFs: Kinda like the reunion that brought us back together with a blast! High-School GFs: Steve and Po as well haha. See the vintage peace-signs? We were young!!!
Then come university - Amanda, PKN, Cheryl, Melcwf, ChewBee, Elaine, WanRu, Jean, Amy, WenJi, Oli, Shirley, SiewChin, Glyniss (surprise!), Jing (surprise!). Most of which I am still actively in touch with except the few (you know who you are!!) who have just entered a new relationship and have been missing since *ROAR*. The surpirse (!) entries? They are my high school friends but somehow, lately we have been talking a lot and about deep stuffs. So girlfriend-ish :-D
Uni-GFs: Not the most flattering picture but haha, so funnily greasy...those post-BBQ faces.
I must gear up to stay in touch with everyone.
Actually, this mundane period of my life actually made me realize how important these people are in my life. I have been experiencing ups and downs, worrying about my TR application, employment and career path. And funnily most of the time, I end up complaining/fuming/venting out in front of them while they comfort/slap-me-back-to-my-senses/tease me in return.
It made me realize that every single one of us are facing different things in life right now - both happy and unhappy - and how much we need a ready support system.
Sure, relationships come and go, career paths can be confusing, family problems happen all the time, even economic crisis troubles us wth (!!) - but isn't it nice to know that there is a group of people whom you can return to no matter what?
You might have made a mistake of neglecting them for you now good-for-nothing boyfriend, been too busy catching cash and not catching-up, isolating yourself due to stress or what-not or even lashed out at them during an argument regarding whether or not there will be a recession!!
But, don't you always return to them - with a sheepish smile, slightly awkward expression and small 'yo/hey/whassup/weiii' - just to be blasted by a few sarcastic jokes and to find that everything is back to normal again after a while?
Girlfriends :-)
We shall stay close to each other. I'll be your bridesmaid and you can be mine. I'll be you child's godmother and you can be mine.
. . . I'll always remember your birthday and you CAN remember mine (I bet my birthday is sooner at this rate wahahaha!)
I wonder how many cards/ greetings/ presents I will receive this year? Just got my first gift from Glyniss yesterday :-) have to bring hordes of gift back to the others whose birthdays I failed to be there :-) Awww, now don't you Martians wish you had girlfriends . .as in 'girlfriends'??
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