Sunday, May 4, 2008

Past tense

The mouse I'm using is old fashioned and the right click thing is kinda dodgy. At times, pages will scroll down on its own or it will go undetected by my laptop suddenly.
But I liked it.

The purple umbrella upstairs has been abandoned by me who is not an umbrella-person. I remember the first time I opened it to find a huge Garfield print on it. Not matching at all, I thought.
But I still liked it.

The flowery socks in the pile of laundry next to me make me look like a pre-schooler, in addition to my height.
But I really liked it.

The Internet Explorer 7 confused me the first time I used it (too canggih?) and it ran slow (probably my fault)!
But I grew to like it.

The various mini-tops I received were too tight and enhanced all bulges in all body parts I knew existed.
But I honestly liked them.

And the many many imperfect things in life which I liked.

I don't wish to refer all these in the past tense. Not now, not in the future.

But like my last pack of cereal, it was free and was my comfort food all week long. But it came to an end. And I really loved it.

Is the past tense inevitable for all things?

0 Hikari*fications!:

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