In exactly one month I will be a 22 year old.
Having your birthday on the very last day of the year is somewhat of a bittersweet thing.
- Fireworks everywhere just for New Years Eve and Me :-)
- Always a holiday :-) :-)
- Hard to be forgotten by others :-) :-) :-)
- Special dinners/ buffets/ shows everywhere :-) :-) :-) :-)
- Celebration with friends take place late after them spending time with family first
- Usually friends are on vacation somewhere else
- Have to watch everyone's birthdays go by before yours
- Having their birthdays already, everyone starts pondering about aging one more year even before I reached that age and includes me in. E.g. "We are turning 23 next year, oh gosh" "I am not even 21 yet!!" (August, 2008).
I have been asked this question before: "Do you think birthdays are very special?"
Answer: "YES" with rigorous nodding of head, maximizing of eyes in disbelief, slight frowning, blood rushing through my body, heart pumping like mad, hands in tight fists, adrenaline rising sky-high and gigantic voice exploding outta my body- kind of "YES"!!!
Is there any reason for it to not be? Birthday - the day you were born into this world - given life - as a hope to others. Your birthday signifies the creation of countless fateful coincidences and natural forces - that is you. It acts as milestones, or rather chapters, marking your journey through life and the story you forged. The fact you met with every milestone or completed another chapter in life, is more than celebration-worthy, isn't it?
I love celebrations - people getting together to appreciate a common thing or even you alone appreciating something you alone know of. Not forgetting the accompanying laughter, fun, surprises, food, desserts, dressing up. . . *dreams away*
My family and I love celebrating - all birthdays, Mother's Father's Days, New Year, parent's wedding anniversary. It keeps the connection between us strong and fills our days with anticipation. It is very important to know how to appreciate the others and to share something in common.
Of course there are other families that do not really celebrate much but still are stronger as ever as a family, but to me, celebrations of little things are just important and to a certain extent, essential - to make me feel appreciated and reinforce what I am sharing with the other party.
So, despite aging on every 31st December, I look forward to it - anticipating what is in store, who will be there, when the greetings will come, where it will take place, how happy I will be :-)
So coming December:
5th - Reunion with coursemates.
6th - Glyniss arriving.
7th~14th - Various shopping, dinner with Eric (now he knows about this), maybe beach?
15th - Parents, Sister and cousin arriving (Hopefully Bro and Sis Leena as well)
18th - Graduation Day! ! ! ! !
22nd - Dad's Birthday celebration
23rd - Off to Gold Coast
24th - DreamWorld with everyone!
25th - Christmas celebration.
26th - Boxing Day sales?
28th - BAck to Melby with Mum and Sis.
As of now, I am still preparing my wishlist, so please be patient alrite?
Picture of me during my 18th Birthday in Sandakan after being sprayed with something sticky and colourful by some friends who turned up at home to surprise me.
My 20th Birthday celebrated with family in Sandakan, grandmas and grandpa the whole clan! . .
. . .then with friends at the one and only karaoke in Sandakan!
The very first surprise for my 21st birthday last year with Elaine and KAngNing in RedBox Sunway Pyramid!