Thursday, June 12, 2008

Clearly bald

As usual.
Woke up.
Opened blinds.
Blinding sunlight.

Not usual.
Double checked.
The tree!
Went bald.

Although I have been holed up in the house for the longest of time, buried under textbooks and lecture notes, did the world out there really changed that much? Funny thing is, this 'balding' of the tree coincided with the 'balding' of my arms and legs - and it has been months since my bare legs saw sunshine.

A few uncertainties over the past few months are slowly clearing off.
Not one. Not two. Not three. But FOUR friends have asked me to go Taiwan with them.
I have friends, you see! Not that I am going Taiwan yet, but the point is, I have friends, you know!

Exams are clearing off as well.
Well, I still have 2 papers but, oh well, that is a 'clear off''.

And Luffy has blasted in and punched a Tenryuubito on his fat face.
So all my concerns are cleared off.
And I think I look a tad bit like L in this picture. Ho.

Kimochi ii na :-)

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