We moved into 1481 on the 25th of May, 2000. The first time I heard about 1481 was when Dad gave us pictures of room designs and asked us what we want our rooms to be like. Excited, of course, I chose the pinkest of possible for the wall and stupidest as possible for the beddings (I wanted some kinda compact bed+desk+wardrobe in a cube kinda thing, which luckily was not fulfilled thanks to the excellent furniture store services back then). Anyway, in the end, Dad ended the ridicule by settling on the designs himself :-( or maybe it is a blessing in disguise :-) I have no ugly room history now :-D
1. Extended the back of the house and changed the orientation of the stairs. (House age 1)
2. Covered the staircase and so-called mini bar with wood plates and mirrors (House age 5)
3. Wallpaper-ed certain areas of the house (House age 5.5)
4. Added in more cabinets in the kitchen (House age 7)
The first day we moved in, I could tell that my Dad was really proud and happy. Afterall, I believe he exerted a lot of effort, financially and mentally and physically (!), into this baby of his! He is especially glad when others compliment about things inside the house which were his ideas, such as :
1. The altar rite outside the front door.
"Usually the traditional one stick outta the wall and looks not matching to the modern feel of the house. But, you see ah, you make it into part of a nice looking cabinet, then the whole thing meh feel different loh."
2. The wood coverings within the house.
"Aiyah, it is not that special, just that people in Sandakan are not aware of the trend mah. You add some wooden features, then under the yellow light, it looks very warm rite?"
3. Adding strips of mirrors around the house.
" Mirror is to reflect the light and add a modern touch to the wooden features."
But Lowena says, "Jie, dunno why ah, I think rite, these mirrors somehow makes me look skinnier eh. I think probably Dad wants us to think we are skinny at home and stop dieting."
4. Wallpapers
"See, you match this pattern with that pattern, then meh look like got a different kinda dimension and the house looks totally different loh."
Well, renovation is all good, changing the outlook is all cute, getting compliments is all well. But think about ME at home to had to clean up all post-renovation mess please. I still remember there was once when I was mopping the floor and scrubbing the toilet tiles 10 minutes before leaving the house for Interact Club's Prom in 2003. 10 minutes, hello. Luckily during then I was ignorant towards make-up and dressing up, or else . . . . *oops*
See the mirrors and wooden panels around the stairs.
But 1481 is filled with fond memories :-)
- Lowena crying on the first day in the house after stepping onto something hot barefooted.
- Various creative and outrageously-funny falling stunts performed by famous gymnastic Lowena.
- Pretending to faint when asked by Mum to do something.
- Our very own Ju-On Project, as shown in the previous pictures.
- Our cousin, Ronny, moving in to stay with us temporarily in 2003.
- The school holiday visits that see Teddy Choo growing up living in 1481.
- The birthday parties, christmas celebrations and etc.
- Being the meeting point for everyone before going out for supper.
- Where I conducted part of my school holiday tutoring services.
- Sleeping on the icy-cold floor tiles when there was no electricity and weather was boiling hot.
-Being screamed at by Mum for not cleaning the house, not tidying up the room, making the toilet wet and another 651 reasons.
- Filling the table with snacks bought from all over Mile 4.
I loved how 1481 was so near to Tshun & co's place and how it is situated in between of all places making it so easy for Steve and Choo to fetch me (I think :-D). Also strategically located near Bandar Indah - Seven Heaven, Equator, etc.
I can't believe that 1481 can no longer be called my home. Not house, it was my home. I know that it is just a matter of time since my family has moved over to KL and lately Dad has gotten a house there. But somehow, reality still sink in slower when you are attached to a certain something. And memories are fantastic sticky tapes providing the sense of attachment.
It must feel weird to look at 1481 again.
I will still feel like it is most natural for me to open the gate and walk in through the front door, deactivating the house alarm, turning on the TV while going to the fridge to grad a cold can of soft drink.
So it must be weird to only be able to see it from the outside. The feeling will be like "it is so near, yet so far"? And I wonder if it will look or feel the same, after being occupied by someone else. I hope it doesn't change. Childish and selfish thinking of mine. But, it is an important part of my life. I really would want to preserve it.
The weirdest point would be, the feeling of not having a place in my own hometown. The familiar place I anticipate for while on the plane back to Sandakan, is not really there anymore. But of course, I have relatives and family so I guess I am just grieving for my house rite now.
It really is not the place that matters rite? It is the people. And all the people I love are still back there. But for 1481, it forever occupies a place in my heart. What I imagine when I envision 1481 in my mind is, memories being harboured and protected within the house. Keeping it safe and pure from all outside influences. Providing me a home to return to, despite it not being my house anymore.
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