After days of hard work, I can finally unveil to you all a little side project I came up with:
(click on it!!)
What is this about?
Well, as a Loretta Lo, I have a love for almost everything fashion or in general terms, cute. I adore choosing my soulmate outta the galore of items out there, bringing it home in a nice bag, ironing it carefully while gazing at its details, hanging it up proudly in my wardrobe and probably, wearing it out with a heart filled with joy. Why 'probably'?
Well, as a Loretta Lo, I have the tendency to: forget about a certain dress, keep a top just for gazing purposes, fluctuate in body size, buy eventhough it clashes with my style/other outifts/body type, have a constant need to make space in my wardrobe, receive items which are not my style from others.
And as a Loretta Lo, I grow attached to these babies of mine. So, throwing out is not an option! I much prefer to pass it on to people who I know will treat them well and make good use of them after me *Sniff sniff* You won't believe how hard it was for me to pick out the items this time.
So, hikari*s closet-o is a place where I sell items pre-owned and pre-loved by me to another loving home (you!!).
Why hikari*s closet-o?
hikari* is the name of this blog, my alter ego. 'closet-o' essentially means 'closet' *woah, surprise*
Why should I visit hikari*s closet-o?
It is just a click away *sniff sniff*. Furthermore, you can find bargains there and seeing how this site is another brainchild of mine, you can expect to see surprises coming up! The best thing is I plan to make this site really personal, so we can just discuss about fashion over there.
Finally, so what now?
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